
Databases /Social Sciences /Library Science

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Covidence (Pilot access provided until Dec 2025)
Covidence is a collaborative tool that streamlines systematic review workflows for screening, data extraction, and quality assessment. See instructions for requesting an account.

Library Literature & Information ScienceVCU
Citations to articles and book reviews of key library and information science periodicals published in the United States and elsewhere. Includes books, chapters in collected works such as conference proceedings, library school theses, and pamphlets.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)VCU
Free database with indexing and abstracts for journals, books, and research reports in library and information science. Covers librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management, and more.

Vivvix (formerly AdSpender)VCU
Tracks millions of brands across 18 media and ranks top spenders by industry, parent, brand, etc. Find how, when and where the competition spends their advertising dollars.