
Databases /Science + Engineering /Mathematics & Statistical Sciences

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Online version of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology. Includes embedded video and images in the articles which can be downloaded for use in class presentations and demonstrations.
Can be used for course content:Primary research material, videos and animations, plus specially designed curriculum maps for teachers. More about affordable course content

ACM Digital LibraryVCU Sponsored by VIVA, the Virtual Library of Virginia (
Bibliographic citations and full text of Association for Computing Machinery articles from journals, magazines, and conference readings. Coverage of most journals is from volume 1 to present.

Covidence (Pilot access provided until Dec 2025)
Covidence is a collaborative tool that streamlines systematic review workflows for screening, data extraction, and quality assessment. See instructions for requesting an account.

MathSciNetVCU Sponsored by VIVA, the Virtual Library of Virginia (
The American Mathematical Society's comprehensive database of citations to research in all areas of mathematics.

Comprehensive online collection of scientific, technological, and medical journals, books, and reference works published by Springer and a growing number of other publishers.
Can be used for course content:Full-text books, including textbooks, in computer science, mathematics, engineering, life sciences and medicine. More about affordable course content

Taylor & Francis eBooks (formerly CRCnetBase)VCU
Search or browse Taylor & Francis eBooks. Select 'Show content I have access to' when the results display. Browse by subjects to display results similar to the ...netBASE contents, e.g., Bioscience, Engineering, Environment.
Can be used for course content:Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine ebooks. More about affordable course content

Web of ScienceVCU
Cross-search multiple databases including the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Book Citation Index, and Conference Proceedings Citation Index, as well as Chemical Indexes.

Wiley StatsRef: Statistical Reference OnlineVCU
Covers the fundamentals and applications of statistics in all fields where it is widely used, comprised of articles selected from across Wiley's online reference work portfolio.