
Databases /Health Sciences /Pharmacy

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Access to leading pharmacy textbooks, an extensive multimedia library, care plans, self-assessment tools, case files, a drug and supplement information database, and more.
Can be used for course content:Leading pharmacy texts and drug information More about affordable course content

Covidence (Pilot access provided until Dec 2025)
Covidence is a collaborative tool that streamlines systematic review workflows for screening, data extraction, and quality assessment. See instructions for requesting an account.

Drug ShortagesVCU
Includes over 300 shortage bulletins on drugs, biologics, devices, and specific dose forms, as well as recommendations for alternative therapies.

Embase (via Ovid)VCU
Biomedicine and pharmacology citation database (1974 - present) with an international scope. Recommended for systematic reviews, and for finding drug and medical device information. Updated weekly. Not compatible with Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10.

Health Poll Database (Roper Center)VCU
Includes 80 years of health-related national polling results on topics ranging from social determinants and influences on health to insurance, costs, and health-care utilization.

IPA: International Pharmaceutical AbstractsVCU
Abstracts of pharmacology research and information. Includes papers presented at ASHP, APhA, and AACP meetings. Produced by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).

LWW Health Library: Premium Basic Sciences CollectionVCU
This ebook collection includes core biomedical science texts in anatomy, microbiology, pathology, physiology, and more. Also includes Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking.

Medical Letter, TheVCU
Searchable database of articles from The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics from 1988 - present. Includes peer-reviewed evaluations of newly approved prescription drugs and comparative reviews of older drugs.

Merck Index OnlineVCU
Extensive index of monographs in the chemical, medical, biological, and environmental sciences. Includes information about a wide range of substances, including drugs, biologicals, dyes, agricultural and industrial chemicals, and more.

Natural Medicines (Formerly Natural Standard)VCU
Evidence-based, peer-reviewed information on complementary and alternative medicine treatments. Includes interactions and adverse effects as well as evaluation of therapies for specific conditions, herbs and supplements, and diet therapies.

The National Library of Medicine's (NLM) foremost biomedical and life sciences database. Includes citations and abstracts from MEDLINE, life sciences journals, and online books.

Incorporating Beilstein, Gmelin, and Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry, offers a wealth of experimentally-validated physico-chemical data and preparation methods. Presents a new approach to synthetic chemistry with powerful functionality.

CAS database for chemical literature. Search by author, topic, substance name or CAS Registry Number, and draw chemical structures or reactions. Availability