
Databases /Health Sciences /Dentistry

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Covidence (Pilot access provided until Dec 2025)
Covidence is a collaborative tool that streamlines systematic review workflows for screening, data extraction, and quality assessment. See instructions for requesting an account.

Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source (DOSS)VCU
Indexing, abstracts, and select full-text access to an extensive selection of dental journals, books, monographs, magazines, and trade periodicals, covering all aspects of the field of dentistry. Also includes IADR/AADR Meeting Abstracts.

Embase (via Ovid)VCU
Biomedicine and pharmacology citation database (1974 - present) with an international scope. Recommended for systematic reviews, and for finding drug and medical device information. Updated weekly. Not compatible with Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10.

Health Poll Database (Roper Center)VCU
Includes 80 years of health-related national polling results on topics ranging from social determinants and influences on health to insurance, costs, and health-care utilization.

The National Library of Medicine's (NLM) foremost biomedical and life sciences database. Includes citations and abstracts from MEDLINE, life sciences journals, and online books.

Web of ScienceVCU
Cross-search multiple databases including the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Book Citation Index, and Conference Proceedings Citation Index, as well as Chemical Indexes.